Saturday, December 12, 2015

Change of Heart, Change of Plans

On Monday I changed my whole outlook on being in the Canada Winnipeg Mission. I Finally (after 6 weeks) unpacked the last of my belongings and settled in. I became really excited to make this my home and to grow and love Winnipeg the way I should have at the start. Tuesday comes and I got a call from Sister Craig (our mission president's wife) - she called to tell me that my visa came in! They were going to fly me out on Friday but with thanksgiving it was moved to Tuesday. I'm leaving tomorrow. 

You would think I'd be ecstatic but to be honest it was a confusing mix of emotions and still is. I was happy to finally know a timeline but more of me is sad. I started to think about each of our investigators and how they are growing so much. I thought about all the hopes and goals I had for the Waverley area and the personal growth I wanted to focus on in my companionship. I know that Roseville will have the same opportunities and experiences but it really hit me in that moment how final this all is. I am leaving.....

When I get to Roseville I want to find the Liz's, Lissette's, Zach's and Andrew's of my assigned area. I know the Lord is preparing people to hear and accept Jesus Christ and I couldn't be more happy about that. This week we spent some time tracting (door knocking) in two promising areas. I have a special love for Newdale and Edgeland - these are areas where we have met a lot of our investigators. I call them the GOLD of Winnipeg! The people are humble and have been prepared through their life experiences to hear the gospel. I'm excited to find the Newdale's and Edgeland's of Cali!  

This week it was FREEZING!!! But we tracted into a guy named Zach- he is 19 and reminds me SO MUCH of my brother Brock. He has a heart of gold and wants to live a good life but isn't sure what he can achieve. We had the best time talking- he was so honest with his thoughts and feelings (something I wish more of our investigators would open up about HA!). As he talked I felt like I was with Brock- it made me so happy! He isn't sure there is a God.... well he says maybe there is but who is he and what does he want me to do? He asked tons of thought provoking questions and made me laugh so hard. 

I think for the first part of my mission I wasn't sure how "Sister Taylor" was supposed to act. I found myself talking in a different way, not genuinely laughing and just having trouble with finding the mark for who I am. I know who I am as Jenna but knowing who I am as Sister Taylor was trickier. This week I realized I am still me - well I knew this before but it really hit me in a different way. I can still be the Jenna that laughs soo hard I snort, I can still insert my sound effects into every action and keep all my other weird mannerisms. It was on Saturday that I truly felt like myself. I feel more confident in being able to teach people knowing that I was called to be a missionary not a robot or a clone of my companions. I'm excited about the work and the continual growth that will come. 

This week we also found a family to teach- 9 people live in the one house! It's a huge blessing to see how different families interact. We are meeting with Tannis and her family tonight. They have fantastic questions and have seen both sides of life- the hard and the hope for good. People can change - I think more than anything that's what I've learnt the most in Winnipeg. I have also seen the transformation in myself. I am having a hard time finding the words to express my understanding- the are eluding me. It is a fantastic thing to witness. 

This week we were fed 3 thanksgiving dinners! It defiantly made up for the loss of Canadian thanksgiving in the MTC. I love this season and was so happy to have families in the ward who celebrate the American holiday as well. This holiday is my favourite because it's all based on showing gratitude for what we have in life. We have so many blessings in life - we just have to recognize them. That's something I asked Zach to email me - I wanted him to find one good thing per day for a week- something that proves to him that there is a God that knows and loves him. I can't wait to get that email next week!

For P- Day (preparation day) activity we had a 2 hour ASL class with Brother Gilson. He taught us so much- I was so happy to have this as my last activity in Winnipeg! Usually on P- Day we all play basketball, four square, floor hockey or soccer at the gym but this week was a special treat. He has been teaching a Wednesday night class as well but we don't always make it out to that one. He is a snowbird and goes to Arizona in the winters. He mentioned the deaf community is very big in Gilbert and Mesa. I hope sister Alder continues on the class while he is gone. 

This week for my ponderizing scripture I wanted to focus on Christ. With December starting tomorrow I want to really study more about the life of Christ from the bible and the Book of Mormon. I found a fantastic scripture in Romans chapter 5 

Romans 5:8-11

8- But God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9- Much more then, being justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
10- For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled we shall be saved by his life.
11- And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement .

I love this passage because Christ's atonement is so real. He died for each one of us - for all our sins and all our weaknesses- every short fall we have or will ever face as a human race or as an individual. He suffered in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross but He did that all for us so that we could live again with God. He is the way and the atonement makes it possible for all of that to happen. My heart and mind cannot even comprehend the full measure of what that gift means. I am learning more about it each day as I use the power of the atonement in my life.   

I love being on a mission. I am so very sad to leave Winnipeg but thrilled to move onto a new journey in Roseville. I hope you all have a good week. Look for the blessings in life - they are everywhere! 

Also today is 2 months!!! I can't believe it - it's passing way too fast. Somebody slow it down!!!!!!!   

Sister Taylor

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