Friday, October 9, 2015

Letter #1 In the MTC

Hello everyone!
I am so excited that today is P- Day!!!! My heart was so happy to have all the dear elder letters throughout this week (they bring me SO MUCH JOY) and the emails - I haven't had the chance to read them all yet but hopefully I can see them all and reply in this one hour.I wish we had longer to write- so sorry if I don't reply right away.

P- Day is so so busy in the MTC and I'm sure it won't be any different when I'm out in the mission.This morning we are doing laundry, studying and writing letters. In the afternoon we are going to the temple. I'm really looking forward to that - I've missed going and realize how lucky I was to have a temple in Edmonton.  

So it looks like I really am going to Winnipeg - all the other Elders and Sisters have gotten their travel plans for Cali and I have not received anything yet in regards to Roseville California or Winnipeg Canada but I am so excited- no matter where it is. If it is Canada I'll need to buy some boots because I'm sure it's freezing there now!

My experience at the MTC has been amazing! I am learning a lot and through the process have been very humbled. I'm starting to learn that I have to rely on Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ much more than I ever have before. I'm thinking about things in a whole different way and I can feel the changes taking place in me already. I'm loving who I'm becoming. 

My time at the MTC has been great- I'm not sure I'm ready to leave - hard to believe its just a few days away. I still want to grow and understand more before I leave. They say you never feel like you know enough- and that's true! But i know i understand enough. We have a fantastic teacher! Brook Evans is so genuine and sincere- she has a desire to help us grow and guides the class in a way that pushes us to think differently about topics and relate the message to any individual no matter what their circumstances are.

They keep us very busy here- every minute is scheduled so you are always engaged and never bored. Although I honestly can't recall the last time I have been 'bored' in life. It's been a whirlwind and the number of emotions I've felt can't be relayed in an email. I can already tell that serving a mission will be the best foundation for my life! I love you all so much and am so thankful for your support and well wishes.  

I'm paired up with Sister Sorrensen - she is from Utah. I was so happy to see her name as my companion - we knew each other through facebook before leaving to serve. There is a facebook group we were both on- many are called but few are sisters.On this group people share where they got called to serve and provide support as they answer questions that other sisters have. When we made the connection that we were both serving in roseville (and starting the MTC on the same day) we joked about being companions and - BAM - it happened!!! It's been a blessing to have her as my companion. She is so patient with me (At the MTC I realized how slow I am at everything! Even simple things like getting dressed, eating and leaving the house)- she waits for me and never complains.She even asks what she can do for me to help us keep going. She always goes out of her way to serve everyone around her. Sister Sorrensen reminds me a lot of Alawna- especially when we traveled together in Vietnam. I feel like I have a piece of home with me here in Utah!
We have been able to practice teaching people - right now Sister Sorrensen and I are working with two people Sharon and Ronald. I never thought I'd love complete strangers as much as I do. It's unreal! They are so good to let us practice teaching them so that we can be good missionaries. The range of issues people face in life is interesting and always requires you to take a new approach when teaching. I have gained a greater understanding of empathy. My heart is so so full in all the best ways.
We watched General Conference Saturday and Sunday (a church meeting that is on TV and the internet every April and October)  - It was a nice break from all the classes. You can watch it on if you missed it. I love hearing the council that is given. The messages center around Jesus Christ and the gospel. They talked about simple things like how to be happy and the blessing that families are to us - one of my favourite talks was about mothers. As I listened to it I thought about how happy I am to have such a wonderful mom. The qualities and attributes discussed are spot on with the woman my mother is. My family is just awesome! How lucky am I?! 

Anyways I should get going - time is almost up - I love you all - Keep up those Dear Elder letters (they mean the world to me!) I'll write again next week - I'm unsure when my next preparation day will be because I'll be in the mission by then but I will write when I can.

Love you all!
Sister Taylor

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