Sunday, October 18, 2015

Winnipeg here I come!

Well Hello There!!!
Gah!!! I can't believe my MTC experience is almost over! This past 12 days have gone by far too quickly! It's all starting to become real as I got my flight plans for Winnipeg! There are 4 missionaries in my position (from Canada and waiting for the R1 visa to be missionaries in the states) Two of them got their visas and one other missionary and I are starting in Winnipeg. As much as I said I never wanted to serve in Winnipeg (before getting my call to Roseville) I am now so enthused at the idea of going to the Winnipeg Canada Mission! I actually prayed that what ever was right would happen but if Heavenly Father would let me serve in Winnipeg I would be so honored and excited to do that. I started to get really disappointed at the thought my visa would come before I was scheduled to leave but thankfully it didn't. I had a dream on Sunday night that I was back home and the missionaries were at the house in the computer room with my mom. They told me my call had been changed and they mentioned the name of a city. I wish I had written it down but I feel like now with my flight plans confirmed it was a dream reaffirm to me that Winnipeg is where I need to start out. How cool is that?! I am so lucky!!!

So Canadian thanksgiving was this past weekend and I really missed it!!! The MTC cafeteria made a solid attempt to appease the Canadian kids. We had this weird turkey slab and sweet potatoes - which are a total favourite of mine! I missed my family making fun of me for compiling all my thanksgiving goodness into a bun- wich. They always give me a hard time for making a sandwich out of anything I can. I made my district ( the group of missionaries I have classes with) go around and say what they were thankful for. I loved it but I also longed for the tradition my family has made to celebrate all the good we are blessed with. the food at the MTC is pretty good. I get my meals out of the allergy room so the food is fresher than most of the other cafeteria food. I'm thankful they have been so accommodating to my dietary restrictions. I hope being out in the field won't be a hassle when it comes to the food. I feel so much better when I avoid the eggs,cashews, milk and wheat! 

The elders in my district left for their mission this morning and the sisters will leave tomorrow morning at 3 am. I'll join a new group for the day tomorrow and then I'm off to WINNIPEG!!! YAY! The missionaries in the district were great! All the Elders were off to Bakersfield California and all of us sister are going to Roseville California. I'll meet the other sisters there  once my visa comes in! We had 8 in our group - 4 elders and 4 sisters. It was the perfect size. We also got really lucky with the teacher we had. Her name is Brooke Evans and she is a spiritual powerhouse! She usually doesn't take on teaching districts how to be missionaries. Most times her job is to teach the teachers how to be teachers. She goes around to different missions as well and helps the missionaries improve their ability to teach people. Only once a semester does she take on a district and lucky for us we were it! We really got the best of the best! She works to help us teach people- not lessons, to transform lives rather than inform. It's an interesting dynamic because she said that most times 'mission culture' has it all wrong. She asked us to keep the skills we have learned and not let the mission culture take over and cause us to lose the focus of how the gospel can apply to anyone to improve their life and bring greater joy. I really have learned so much I wish I had time to write more- it's fantastic. I feel like I am growing so much!

So Alyssa was right! I was made sister training leader with Sister Sorrensen. Basically what that means is that we take on leadership role with all the new missionaries coming in. Some people let the title or status go to their heads but I know that it's all the same work and everyone plays a part that is so important to having things flow smoothly. Sister Evans said that Sister Sorensen and I are emotional leaders which was a really nice compliment. She always worked to boost us up when it is so natural for us to see our flaws and degrade any accomplishment we may have made.

The Sunday night devotional this week was so great! The MTC presidency spoke and it was all about being bold! We also get to watch a talk on sunday nights- they are always so super powerful! The one I watched this week was Elder Holland's ' Open your mouth'. It was a complete fulfillment of my mission motto - BE BOLD. With both talks centered around my personal motto I feel so blessed, boosted and ready to get to work!!!! 

I seriously wish I could write more! I am so appreciative to everyone who has emailed me (I do read them - just never have enough time to reply) I am also thankful for the dear elder letters I've gotten - they have been an added joy in my life as a missionary. Before leaving I was a bit scatter brained and didn't get everyone's emails and writing addresses. Know that I am thinking of you and hoping you reach out so I have your contact info.

Sending all my missionary love!!!

Sister Taylor

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