Thursday, November 19, 2015

Days That Fall Apart Come Back Together

This week I finally sort of figured out to upload some pictures but the way my camera and this library computer work together is less than ideal so this might be it for a while. Expect a picture overload when I get to California though! Still no word on my visa but the only other visa waiter got his on Tuesday so I am hoping mine comes in soon as well.

This week was interesting - two of our days completely fell apart - almost every appointment cancelled but we ended up finding and teaching more than we could have expected. Being a missionary I am learning more and more that our paths cross with other people in unexplainable ways.
This week we Knocked on a door of a less active member in the ward only to find out they moved but the couple that lives there wants to know more about Jesus Christ! We knocked on another door and were invited in by the kindest Muslim couple! I was surprised when the husband invited us in without us even saying more than hello. It was cold out so I thought we might just step inside the door but nope he showed us to the couch. We had a great lesson right then and there! He said he has his beliefs but he wants to know about all religions. While he has lived in Canada he has seen how almost 75% of the religions he has encountered have been similar to his own beliefs. His wife was so wonderful- she gave each of us a piece of jewelry from her home country before we left.

We also had the chance to work at the Siloam mission soup kitchen this week! It was fun getting to help with the meal time and social activities of the evening. The people there are so interesting and each have a unique story to share. I had some great conversations and they loved having 3 new faces around to chat to.

This week I'm starting a challenge that was given in the past general conference about "ponderizing a scripture each week. It's a combination of pondering and memorizing a verse. This week I picked one from the Book Of Mormon it's found in Alma

Alma 26:37
"Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen"

I love this verse because it reminds me that Heavenly Father will remember us always - no one gets left behind or forgotten.

I wish I could include more that happened this week. The mission is full of adventures!

These are just a few pictures..
1- This was my first missionary name tag picture at the MTC- they use the orange dot to show you are new- people call it a dork dot. I leaked out of my eyes when they put that badge on me. Up to then no tears but THAT was a profound experience - I was SO HAPPY!!!!!
2- Sister Geddes (from Idaho) me and sister Alder from Utah - she is our trainer! this was my one month in picture! Enjoy!!!

I hope you all have a fantastic week!!! Take care and enjoy the last little bit of November - Can you believe its almost Christmas!!!!??? I sure can't!

Transfer calls are coming next week - I wonder where I'll be for the next 6 weeks!

Sister Taylor

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