Thursday, November 19, 2015

One Miracle After Another

Well Hello There!!!

Can I just say that this week has flown by?! I'm really surprised that it is Monday all over again. We had a big mission meeting called Zone conference this week. I learnt so much on how to be a more effective missionary. It was also fun to see so many of the other missionaries serving in Winnipeg!

My health is improving - thanks to everyone who wrote me to encourage and boost me up. I really needed it. The vertigo has been rough but each day things seem to improve a bit more. I'm not 100% better but I am hopeful.
I did get my flu shot his week! I am so happy we have free access to that each year. Everyone seems to be sick right now but we have managed to keep up with our vitamin C and no one in our companionship has had a cold yet.  

I am loving serving in the Waverley ward! The people are so fantastic. Last week we had fast and testimony meeting (this happens on the first Sunday of every month). It was a real eye opener! The people in the ward are mostly older- a few younger families but there are just so many people that struggle with a variety of challenges. Lots have health (physical and mental) or financial burdens that offer a set of trails that I can't even begin to comprehend. Hearing those people go up and share what they know to be true was so touching. They have a firm foundation. 

The ethnic demographic in the area we are serving in is pretty diverse too. We have worked with lots of aboriginal, Sudanese, Filipino, African and Asian people. I love the cultural diversity!!! I am learning so much about other parts of the world, the traditions, culture and food. Each person has been so loving and generous towards us.

This week has also been a week of miracles!! I want to share them all with you but I'll just share three...

1- We started teaching Liz a single mom of 5 under the age of 6. We knocked on her door and said we could come back to share a message with her. She shared about her desire to know God and find out more about her purpose in life. Right now she is so overwhelmed by the demands of being a mom. She has 4 kids of her own and then just a short while ago took on the care of her 6 month old niece so that the child won't go into foster care. I can't even being to understand how that would feel. She has an eager heart and a strong desire to grow her faith. We have popped in a few times over the past week to help her around the house as we share a bit about the gospel. With all the kids it makes it hard for her to come to church but she tries. She has already shared what she has learnt from us with a friend who also would like to learn more. This is the most exciting because she isn't even a member and yet she is doing missionary work. See how easy it can be?

2 - Steven and Vicky are a couple that we met at the end of October. We first talked with Steven and he said his fiancĂ© might be interested in learning about what we share. We had a lesson with them just a few days later and it was kind of a mess. We stayed too long and I think tried to share too much at once. We left wondering if we would ever have the chance to go back. We popped in quickly on Saturday night to apologize for the last visit. I know we were just so eager to share the gospel that time and it might have been too much too soon.  They seemed surprised that we felt that way and invited us in to play games. We stayed for three rounds of things in a box and then re invited them to church. THEY CAME!!!!! It was just one of the highlights of my week- seeing them there was a huge act of faith on their part. The sacrament meeting was perfect - the talks that were given were exactly what was needed. I couldn't have picked better topics if I tried!! They seemed to really enjoy it.

3- Angel is a lady we have been trying to contact since day one on the mission. We have called and stopped by her house countless times. This week we decided that this might be it. One last attempt. We knocked on the door and she was home! We went in and talked with her a bit. She has lots of questions but the most pressing to her were what I like to call the questions of the soul. - Where was I before I came to earth? - Why am I here? and Where am I going after? I think at one point on another we all ask these questions. We had the chance to share a bit with her about the plan of salvation. This helps us understand that Heavenly Father does have a plan for us and that we have so much to look forward to! She was so involved and receptive to the message. She had a huge smile on her face and said this is exactly what she has been looking for. She wants to be baptized! I am on cloud nine and I'm sure she was too after our visit!

There is so much more I want to include but time is super limited. I just want you to know that the message that we share as missionaries is true and it brings joy- not just happiness but JOY. I have grown to love these people so much more than I would have ever imagined possible.
There are a unique set of challenges each person will face in life but each burden can be reduced when we have faith and rely on Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and his atonement. This week we taught a lady and I asked her if she would be willing to read the first chapter of the Book Of Mormon. She said no and after talking more with her to find out why she said " I can't read" - she then told me about how she knows small words and has been able to get by but it is a real struggle for her.
We downloaded the Book Of Mormon onto her phone and she was so happy and willing to listen to it. This is something I would have never considered before. I took reading for granted and also assumed that everyone could do it. As missionaries we work to overcome the challenges or maybe more so to help the people learn how to trust in God to overcome those difficulties through His mercy and power. I know that reading from the Book Of Mormon will bless your life in so many ways. I had a goal to read it again before the year is done and to pray about it to know if the message in it is true. I'll be finished this week so I'll keep you posted :)

I love you all - I am so thankful for your support and all the emails I have gotten- Please know I do try and read them all but the time is so limited for this each week.    

Sister Taylor

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