Sunday, November 8, 2015

One Month A Sister

Hey There!
So this week (Friday) marked my one month as Sister Taylor - it has gone by far too fast! 

I wanted to do a quick shout out for my brother Brock who will be 19 on Saturday! I am so proud of him! He has a heart of gold and I wish I could be in Edmonton to just give him a huge hug. Happy birthday Brocky!! 

This week has been busy to say the least. I'm not sure even where to start...

Well I did find a pair of boots for the winter so I won't freeze in Winnipeg! I even found them at Winners- if you know me you know this is my favourite store!! They will work well for California winters too . No word yet on the visa but I hoping it will come for the next transfer. 

Voting was last week and I had all the intention to go and exercise my democratic right but it was such a busy day and I was feeling horribly dizzy so I never got around to it. I know dad would be unhappy at that - I have never missed a vote since I have been 18! It was a sad day!

We have not had snow yet but it has rained everyday this week. I hope I can make it a few more weeks without the white stuff. 

On Wednesday I got a call from the physio office I was scheduled to see for the vertigo. After talking to me the lady told me that she would have to cancel my appointment because she could not help me due to the severity of my symptoms. She said she specializes in post concussion injury and on the side does a bit of vestibular but by no means is a specialist. I was so agitated because that is not the impression her website gave. 
She did pass along a contact who might be able to help me but when I called they said the first opening was November 17th. I just broke down in tears. I'm sure my companions think I'm crazy but that was seriously the last straw. Back home when this happens I would seek treatment right away and it would help but all the attempts to fix the issue while I have been on my mission seemed to be in vain. I booked the appointment but it was then that I started to consider coming home. I have never prayed more than I have prayed over the last month for relief. The feeling of vertigo has been so distracting and I feel that I have been a horrible missionary and companion because of it. I get irritated and upset so much easier. I asked Heavenly Father for a miracle because I have felt so defeated by this- almost a month and no relief. 
I called sister Craig (my mission presidents wife) to tell her the update and she said she would look into finding someone else. I really didn't have much hope because I know how bookings go for these things- its at least a week and a half before you can get in. On Friday she called me and told me she found an office and they could see me that day!!!! MIRACLE MIRACLE!!! 
After the first treatment I felt a billion times better! The physiotherapist gave me some different exercises to do at home and it has helped faster than anything I did back home to cure the vertigo. It was the miracle I needed. I still don't feel 100% better but it is a massive improvement. Heavenly Father hears your prayers and will help you. I really have gained an understanding of patience in the past few weeks.  

We got to teach some really wonderful people this week. Whitney and her cousin Shoshawna are amazing! Whitney has a strong faith in Christ and a desire to live her life right. Her desire comes mostly out of fear of the second coming and judgment day. We are trying to calm her fears and help her grow in understanding. They came to the Halloween party last week and had such a good time- this was our first lesson this week with them. Shoshawna said she would have more support from people in her life if she were drinking and partying vs. going to church. 
It's interesting - visiting with so many different people you get to look into their life a bit. I am so thankful for the childhood I had and the opportunities I've been given because I can see how different things could be.  

We were able to visit with Karen this week. She is a less active older woman in the Waverley ward. Her energy and spirit make me so happy. This week she told us why she never comes to church. She has a hard time getting up the courage because her anxiety is so bad. We talked with her a lot about how attending church can help her overcome the problems she faces and will strengthen the people around her. She came to church this Sunday - the first time pretty much since she was baptized a year ago!! 

One of my favourite experiences this week was with Stephen and Vicky. We knocked on Stephen's door last week and he said he and his fiancé would be interested in hearing our message. We went back on Thursday this week. They are both so wonderful and asked some really insightful questions. They even ordered pizza for us so that we could all have dinner together. Vicky's mom Opal listened too while we shared a bit about how the gospel blesses families. As a missionary sometimes you think you go out to minister to people but often they are the ones that minister to you. It was such a wonderful blessing! 

We met with Katie ( the car detailer) again this week and she was able to focus more for this lesson. Vanessa one of the members came along for this appointment which was very helpful!  

We are teaching this one family in a complex not too far from where we live. Wednesday we decided to go and knock on one of the doors - we met a lady named Liz. She is a mom to 5 little kids- all under the age of 6. She feels frazzled by the demands of caring for so many children. We were able to help her clean her kitchen and living room as we shared a simple message about the gospel. Her desire to know about God is very strong and her heart is in the right place.  I'm excited to keep teaching her! we also met another woman from the same complex last night - she let us teach her right then and there.

We taught Elizabeth and her two kids Arik (Erica) and Akol the plan of salvation. This lesson covers all the questions of the heart- where did we come from? Why are we here? and where do we go? In the middle of the puzzle we brought Akol goes to the couch and starts doing head stands and then to the complete surprise of everyone - including his mom - he pulls down his pants moons us!! HAHAH! He is only 4 years old so it was pretty funny, so random... but so funny.

Gah I have so many more stories I want to share but no time... 

I have been overwhelmed buy the generosity and love the people we meet have shown us. I am learning and growing each day and finally I feel Good! The gospel is Great!!!

I hope your week is wonderful

Take Luck!

Sister Taylor

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