Saturday, December 12, 2015


Well hello!
This week has been one of change but I'm realizing that every week has
that theme in mission life and in real life. In past weeks I've been
able to see how I've grown and altered my heart along with my mind.
You also see others experience their own paradigm shifts. It is so
rewarding as a missionary to see growth in your investigators (the
people you are teaching).

The transition from the Canada Winnipeg Mission to the California
Roseville Mission has been easy and hard in so many ways. The easy
parts have been knowing I'm going where I was called so I have
completed what I was sent to Winnipeg to accomplish. The weather has
also been a good adjustment. I don't have to layer up and it feels HOT
here in comparison to winterpeg!! You appreciate it so much more when
you have experienced the extreme opposite.

Right now there is no snow in Roseville and from what I hear I
shouldn't expect any in this part of the mission. I'm serving in a
city called Granite Bay but it's basically a city district of
Sacramento if I understand correctly. The city of Roseville is right
beside Granite Bay so technically we live in Roseville but our ward is
Granite Bay 2nd ward. I have only been here a few days but I love it.
The people are so friendly! Members are so eager to support you in
your work- either by feeding you at lunch and dinner or by allowing
you to have investigator lessons in their homes or coming along to
lessons we teach.

I've only been here since Tuesday but it seems that we get fed by
members everyday sometimes twice a day. This is a nice change from
Winnipeg. Members of the waverley ward would feed us but it was
usually 10% of the people doing 90% of the work. However we did get to
know those ward members well! I Have enjoyed getting to know a new
family each day. Getting off the airplane I felt soo much love from my
new mission president (president Marston) and his wife (Sister
Marston). They were both waiting to greet me at the bottom of the
escalator. Sister Marston gave me a big hug and welcomed me into the
mission and President Marston shook my hand, tucked me under his arm
and guided me along to the baggage claim. They said they have been
waiting for me since October and they are so excited to finally have
me here. I felt so loved and important! I love serving in the southern
part of the Roseville mission and it was so nice to see Sister
Sorensen again! I'm not in her same district but I did see her the
first day I came in.

I'm in another tri-pan! Sister Canann (from Virginia) and Sister
Sheffield (from Iowa) are my companions! I love them- they are helping
me learn about the area and the people in it. Each day I feel I have a
better grasp on things.
The only hard parts about the adjustment from one mission to the next
is the dignified language rule we had in Winnipeg is not a thing here
in Cali. In Winnipeg I got really good at finding other words for (
this pains me to even type these words!)  awesome, cool and all the
other undignified words people say usually. Coming to California it
seems like every second word out of a missionaries mouth is one from
that no go list.  They sound like curse words to me! It's a little
thing but it REALLY has been the most frustrating adjustment. I can't
even say those words yet. They feel like poison. I tried this week to
say cool but I hated it. I hated saying it, I hated hearing it...
So this leaves me with predicament ... Do I forget that part of my Can
Win mission culture and try to adjust to this mission culture language
or do I keep what I've gained from my time in Canada? I can't figure
out how to do this one. I want to make connections with my
investigators and other missionaries but I am also a disciple of Jesus
Christ - I've promised to stand apart from the things of the world for
18 months.
I'm not sure what to do ... #missionlifeproblems haha!
I also am having a hard time not thinking about my investigators in
Winnipeg. I'm still thinking about them daily and praying they are
growing and doing well. It feels like I have left a piece of my heart
back in Manitoba.
Also I miss Sister Alder and Sister Geddes! Ha! We had some great
times before I left. I hope they are doing well and finding lots of
new people to share the gospel with.

My ponderizing scripture this week is
Moroni 10:32
"Yea, come into Christ, and be perfected in him, and deny yourselves
of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourself of all ungodliness,
and love God with all your might mind and strength, then is his grace
sufficient for you, that by his grace ye may be perfect in Christ; and
if by the grace of God ye are perfect in Christ, ye can in nowise deny
the power of God."

I love this scripture because this is a special time of year when more
people are thinking about Christ. He is the reason for the season! I
am so grateful for his atonement that makes it possible for us to
overcome sin and weaknesses. I'm spending more time this month reading
about his life in the Bible. As a mission we are also working to
memorize the Living Christ - which before I would have thought to be
an impossible task but I'm getting it. Look it up online! It's pretty

There is so much memorization on a mission. Before I left Sister
Geddes was helping me memorize the 13 articles of faith. We memorize
our missionary purpose, passages of scripture among other things. I
have never been great at memory work but I'm finding new ways to
become better at it.

Our ward mission leader also has challenged us and a few others to
read the entire Book of Mormon in 1 month. There is a schedule laid
out so you know how much you have to read each day I started December
1st so I'll keep you posted..

I want to share my thoughts about the last time I read the Book of
Mormon in full. I have read from it often but have only read it cover
to cover twice in my life. For so many years I would read a bit here,
a bit there but I would never "feast" upon it like it suggests in the
2 Nephi 32:3 Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of
Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what
ye should do.
It wasn't until I was preparing for my mission that I studied and
searched the scriptures in a way that I never had before. I went from
reading to reading, thinking, applying and questioning what I was
learning. When I finished the all 531 pages I prayed to know if it was
true- to really know. I have always believed it was true, that it is a
good book but I needed to KNOW for myself.
Sometimes we don't let our feelings be enough proof- we expect for
sign or miracles. I prayed to Heavenly Father to send me a specific
sign ( one that now looking at the time of year, was impossible) so I
changed it to something more plausible. I continued to pray each day
and night about having the confirmation that I was looking for. The
whole time I felt the spirit telling me the book is Good, it's the
word of God and tells us what we must do to gain peace in this life
and eternal salvation in the life to come. Still I wanted my sign. The
feelings of the Holy Ghost are small and still but they are real. I
KNOW that book is true. I felt the spirit testify it to me and last
Saturday I saw the sign I was hoping for. That last part was just
icing on the cake, the spiritual confirmation is everything! The Book
of Mormon is true! Try it out for yourself- read, ponder and pray. It
doesn't matter if you have never read a religious book in your life or
if you are a bible scholar- the B of M can answer any question you
have. It adds to the message in the Bible, it brings comfort and peace
when everything else fails to help.

Yesterday we watched the Christmas devotional that the church puts out
each year. This one was fantastic!!!! I loved the thoughts that were
shared. President Uchtdorf said "This season we celebrate the gift
that made all other gifts possible." How true that is! Without Him we
could not enjoy all the other gifts we are blessed with. The music was
BEAUTIFUL!!! One of my favourite songs included these powerful lyrics
"Unto us a child is born , into us a son is given and he shall be
called wonderful! Councilor! Prince of peace! " The speakers talked
about the birth of our savior Jesus Christ, how we can trust in him
during the good and the bad times, how to continue in faith even when
the going gets tough.
Christ is the light of the world! He gives light to those who sit in
darkness. I was thinking about that this morning and Don't we all sit
in darkness at some point or another? I know that He loves all so

Okay just a bit more and then I gotta run. Let me tell you about the
area we are working in. The Granite Bay Area is one of the richest
areas in the mission but we have had the most success in one of the
two trailer parks in our boundaries. Right now we are working a lot
with Ben and Dennae (a couple who the sisters have been working with
for a while) They have an 8 month old baby boy and are loving
everything we are teaching! They want to be baptized so badly. Before
they can be baptized they need to get married or stop living together.
This is important because the law of chastity is a super important
commandment that needs to be lived before baptism. It's tricky because
they have been in a relationship for 6 years now and have a baby but
not having pre marital sexual relations is a commandment and getting
hitched would solve that problem. Only problem is that Ben is a little
terrified of the marriage commitment. He said he feels like Dennae and
him have been together forever and he wants it to continue on that way
but the idea of marriage still freaks him out. He has started praying
to ask Heavenly Father to help him feel more calm about making this
huge life decision. They are such a fantastic couple.
We work with a lot less people here in Granite Bay than we did in
Winnipeg but it's still just as rewarding!

Also we had a huge nativity set up at our church building this
weekend. It was fantastic! So many people showed up, tons of members
and non members. Our companionship was door greeters. It was so much
fun talking to everyone! There were rooms full of nativity set ups and
pictures. There were also choir and music performances throughout the
weekend. I loved it!!!

Mission life is great. I have never been so tired but so happy!
Take Luck everyone
-Sister Taylor

Ah!! My mailing address is ( mission office)
8583 watt avenue
Antelope California
Email me if you want my apartment address!

Change of Heart, Change of Plans

On Monday I changed my whole outlook on being in the Canada Winnipeg Mission. I Finally (after 6 weeks) unpacked the last of my belongings and settled in. I became really excited to make this my home and to grow and love Winnipeg the way I should have at the start. Tuesday comes and I got a call from Sister Craig (our mission president's wife) - she called to tell me that my visa came in! They were going to fly me out on Friday but with thanksgiving it was moved to Tuesday. I'm leaving tomorrow. 

You would think I'd be ecstatic but to be honest it was a confusing mix of emotions and still is. I was happy to finally know a timeline but more of me is sad. I started to think about each of our investigators and how they are growing so much. I thought about all the hopes and goals I had for the Waverley area and the personal growth I wanted to focus on in my companionship. I know that Roseville will have the same opportunities and experiences but it really hit me in that moment how final this all is. I am leaving.....

When I get to Roseville I want to find the Liz's, Lissette's, Zach's and Andrew's of my assigned area. I know the Lord is preparing people to hear and accept Jesus Christ and I couldn't be more happy about that. This week we spent some time tracting (door knocking) in two promising areas. I have a special love for Newdale and Edgeland - these are areas where we have met a lot of our investigators. I call them the GOLD of Winnipeg! The people are humble and have been prepared through their life experiences to hear the gospel. I'm excited to find the Newdale's and Edgeland's of Cali!  

This week it was FREEZING!!! But we tracted into a guy named Zach- he is 19 and reminds me SO MUCH of my brother Brock. He has a heart of gold and wants to live a good life but isn't sure what he can achieve. We had the best time talking- he was so honest with his thoughts and feelings (something I wish more of our investigators would open up about HA!). As he talked I felt like I was with Brock- it made me so happy! He isn't sure there is a God.... well he says maybe there is but who is he and what does he want me to do? He asked tons of thought provoking questions and made me laugh so hard. 

I think for the first part of my mission I wasn't sure how "Sister Taylor" was supposed to act. I found myself talking in a different way, not genuinely laughing and just having trouble with finding the mark for who I am. I know who I am as Jenna but knowing who I am as Sister Taylor was trickier. This week I realized I am still me - well I knew this before but it really hit me in a different way. I can still be the Jenna that laughs soo hard I snort, I can still insert my sound effects into every action and keep all my other weird mannerisms. It was on Saturday that I truly felt like myself. I feel more confident in being able to teach people knowing that I was called to be a missionary not a robot or a clone of my companions. I'm excited about the work and the continual growth that will come. 

This week we also found a family to teach- 9 people live in the one house! It's a huge blessing to see how different families interact. We are meeting with Tannis and her family tonight. They have fantastic questions and have seen both sides of life- the hard and the hope for good. People can change - I think more than anything that's what I've learnt the most in Winnipeg. I have also seen the transformation in myself. I am having a hard time finding the words to express my understanding- the are eluding me. It is a fantastic thing to witness. 

This week we were fed 3 thanksgiving dinners! It defiantly made up for the loss of Canadian thanksgiving in the MTC. I love this season and was so happy to have families in the ward who celebrate the American holiday as well. This holiday is my favourite because it's all based on showing gratitude for what we have in life. We have so many blessings in life - we just have to recognize them. That's something I asked Zach to email me - I wanted him to find one good thing per day for a week- something that proves to him that there is a God that knows and loves him. I can't wait to get that email next week!

For P- Day (preparation day) activity we had a 2 hour ASL class with Brother Gilson. He taught us so much- I was so happy to have this as my last activity in Winnipeg! Usually on P- Day we all play basketball, four square, floor hockey or soccer at the gym but this week was a special treat. He has been teaching a Wednesday night class as well but we don't always make it out to that one. He is a snowbird and goes to Arizona in the winters. He mentioned the deaf community is very big in Gilbert and Mesa. I hope sister Alder continues on the class while he is gone. 

This week for my ponderizing scripture I wanted to focus on Christ. With December starting tomorrow I want to really study more about the life of Christ from the bible and the Book of Mormon. I found a fantastic scripture in Romans chapter 5 

Romans 5:8-11

8- But God commendeth his love towards us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9- Much more then, being justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
10- For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled we shall be saved by his life.
11- And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement .

I love this passage because Christ's atonement is so real. He died for each one of us - for all our sins and all our weaknesses- every short fall we have or will ever face as a human race or as an individual. He suffered in the garden of Gethsemane and on the cross but He did that all for us so that we could live again with God. He is the way and the atonement makes it possible for all of that to happen. My heart and mind cannot even comprehend the full measure of what that gift means. I am learning more about it each day as I use the power of the atonement in my life.   

I love being on a mission. I am so very sad to leave Winnipeg but thrilled to move onto a new journey in Roseville. I hope you all have a good week. Look for the blessings in life - they are everywhere! 

Also today is 2 months!!! I can't believe it - it's passing way too fast. Somebody slow it down!!!!!!!   

Sister Taylor

Monday, November 23, 2015


So I know you are all wondering so I'll share the visa news at the start.... No visa yet. I'm staying in wintry Winnipeg for another 6 weeks. We had transfer calls on Saturday and I'll continue working in the Waverley ward for this transfer and staying with Sister Alder and Sister Geddes!

I'll be honest this week was the hardest yet. I only mentally prepared for 6 weeks in Winnipeg and even then I never believed it would actually be a reality. Thursday night it hit me that there was a huge chance I'm staying here. By Friday I was positive that I'd be in Winnipeg for the Christmas season and I was just so so sad!
I think lots of things factored into how I felt but my dislike and discomfort with the cold along with the difficulties I've faced in my companionship were the biggest. I was sure I could not do this all over again - another 6 weeks in the same situation.

Looking back I had a very negative mindset - I kept counting down the weeks until I could GTHOH (get the heck outta here). I was praying after I found out I'd be staying and asked Heavenly Father why my visa had not come yet. The answer came quickly (if only all the prayers I've prayed got resolved that fast!) It came in the form of a thought " Jenna you have not yet learned what I have send you here to learn." It hit me then - I have been counting down, suffering through my trials and difficulties but I have not embraced the mission. This is MY mission just as much as Roseville is my mission. I then decided to give up what I want, what I feel is right or best. I am letting the Lord run the show. He does a much better job anyways. 

So today is a new start I will not count down , I will not hold back but I will give it my all and embrace this time that I have in the Canada Winnipeg mission. It feels better than my previous mindset.

We have a companionship goal to only sign our prayers at home now. I think I'll become much stronger in ASL by doing this. Brother Gilson still holds ASL classes at the church on Wednesday nights- I love that we get to help out with them. The weekly turn out for the class is great - lots of investigators come as well so it is a fantastic missionary tool. 

We had exchanges this week (where we switch missionary companionships and areas for a day) with a tri - pan (three missionaries) it was a little different and we swapped off a few times. It was nice to work with different people and see a new area. I was with the sister training leaders Sister Wray and Sister Martin. They are fantastic!

This week we had two baptisms in the church building. We invited all our investigators to come see what it is like but no one showed up to either. It was a sad thing! With the re- dedication of the Montreal Quebec temple there were no regular church services so we had a small devotional put on by the missionaries at the church last night. We again invited everyone in our teaching pool and two people came!!!
Liz showed up and she loved it - this was the first church event she has made it out to. It was great! We found a young women and her brother to watch Liz's kids while she was at the church and we had a member pick her up. Buck also came to the devotional. He is a friend of one of our investigators who is visiting from out of town. We also had a wonderful lesson with him this week at the mc Donald's close by. He lives super far north in a reserve where there are no missionaries.I hope that one day he will remember his experience in the gospel if he moves out of such a secluded area. He is so ready to know more about God and his son Jesus Christ. 

We had a funny experience this week. At al lot of the lights downtown there are homeless people in between the intersection with cardboard signs. This one guy had one that read " anything helps" We had a proselyting copy of the bible in the car but no food or money. We rolled down our window and handed it to him. He asked " Are you Mormon?" and we said yes- he then said " I'm a member - I was baptized but I AM SO INACTIVE!" he screamed that last part and as we drove away (the light changed) he yelled out at us "SIN IS EVERYWHERE!!!!!" It was the funniest thing, just the way he said it. We all died of laughter! You really do see and experience so much as a missionary. This 18 months I'm sure will bring some of the most entertaining stories. 

My ponderizing scripture this week is found in the Book of Mormon in 1 Nephi 

1 Nephi 10:19
"For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round."

​I like this scripture and selected it for my ponderizing verse for the week because ​God is the same in the past, today and in the future. Finding answers is possible and if you seek it out (to know the truth of anything) He will let you know!

I have to run but thank you all for your emails!

Sister Taylor

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Days That Fall Apart Come Back Together

This week I finally sort of figured out to upload some pictures but the way my camera and this library computer work together is less than ideal so this might be it for a while. Expect a picture overload when I get to California though! Still no word on my visa but the only other visa waiter got his on Tuesday so I am hoping mine comes in soon as well.

This week was interesting - two of our days completely fell apart - almost every appointment cancelled but we ended up finding and teaching more than we could have expected. Being a missionary I am learning more and more that our paths cross with other people in unexplainable ways.
This week we Knocked on a door of a less active member in the ward only to find out they moved but the couple that lives there wants to know more about Jesus Christ! We knocked on another door and were invited in by the kindest Muslim couple! I was surprised when the husband invited us in without us even saying more than hello. It was cold out so I thought we might just step inside the door but nope he showed us to the couch. We had a great lesson right then and there! He said he has his beliefs but he wants to know about all religions. While he has lived in Canada he has seen how almost 75% of the religions he has encountered have been similar to his own beliefs. His wife was so wonderful- she gave each of us a piece of jewelry from her home country before we left.

We also had the chance to work at the Siloam mission soup kitchen this week! It was fun getting to help with the meal time and social activities of the evening. The people there are so interesting and each have a unique story to share. I had some great conversations and they loved having 3 new faces around to chat to.

This week I'm starting a challenge that was given in the past general conference about "ponderizing a scripture each week. It's a combination of pondering and memorizing a verse. This week I picked one from the Book Of Mormon it's found in Alma

Alma 26:37
"Now my brethren, we see that God is mindful of every people, whatsoever land they may be in; yea, he numbereth his people, and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth. Now this is my joy, and my great thanksgiving; yea, and I will give thanks unto my God forever. Amen"

I love this verse because it reminds me that Heavenly Father will remember us always - no one gets left behind or forgotten.

I wish I could include more that happened this week. The mission is full of adventures!

These are just a few pictures..
1- This was my first missionary name tag picture at the MTC- they use the orange dot to show you are new- people call it a dork dot. I leaked out of my eyes when they put that badge on me. Up to then no tears but THAT was a profound experience - I was SO HAPPY!!!!!
2- Sister Geddes (from Idaho) me and sister Alder from Utah - she is our trainer! this was my one month in picture! Enjoy!!!

I hope you all have a fantastic week!!! Take care and enjoy the last little bit of November - Can you believe its almost Christmas!!!!??? I sure can't!

Transfer calls are coming next week - I wonder where I'll be for the next 6 weeks!

Sister Taylor

One Miracle After Another

Well Hello There!!!

Can I just say that this week has flown by?! I'm really surprised that it is Monday all over again. We had a big mission meeting called Zone conference this week. I learnt so much on how to be a more effective missionary. It was also fun to see so many of the other missionaries serving in Winnipeg!

My health is improving - thanks to everyone who wrote me to encourage and boost me up. I really needed it. The vertigo has been rough but each day things seem to improve a bit more. I'm not 100% better but I am hopeful.
I did get my flu shot his week! I am so happy we have free access to that each year. Everyone seems to be sick right now but we have managed to keep up with our vitamin C and no one in our companionship has had a cold yet.  

I am loving serving in the Waverley ward! The people are so fantastic. Last week we had fast and testimony meeting (this happens on the first Sunday of every month). It was a real eye opener! The people in the ward are mostly older- a few younger families but there are just so many people that struggle with a variety of challenges. Lots have health (physical and mental) or financial burdens that offer a set of trails that I can't even begin to comprehend. Hearing those people go up and share what they know to be true was so touching. They have a firm foundation. 

The ethnic demographic in the area we are serving in is pretty diverse too. We have worked with lots of aboriginal, Sudanese, Filipino, African and Asian people. I love the cultural diversity!!! I am learning so much about other parts of the world, the traditions, culture and food. Each person has been so loving and generous towards us.

This week has also been a week of miracles!! I want to share them all with you but I'll just share three...

1- We started teaching Liz a single mom of 5 under the age of 6. We knocked on her door and said we could come back to share a message with her. She shared about her desire to know God and find out more about her purpose in life. Right now she is so overwhelmed by the demands of being a mom. She has 4 kids of her own and then just a short while ago took on the care of her 6 month old niece so that the child won't go into foster care. I can't even being to understand how that would feel. She has an eager heart and a strong desire to grow her faith. We have popped in a few times over the past week to help her around the house as we share a bit about the gospel. With all the kids it makes it hard for her to come to church but she tries. She has already shared what she has learnt from us with a friend who also would like to learn more. This is the most exciting because she isn't even a member and yet she is doing missionary work. See how easy it can be?

2 - Steven and Vicky are a couple that we met at the end of October. We first talked with Steven and he said his fiancĂ© might be interested in learning about what we share. We had a lesson with them just a few days later and it was kind of a mess. We stayed too long and I think tried to share too much at once. We left wondering if we would ever have the chance to go back. We popped in quickly on Saturday night to apologize for the last visit. I know we were just so eager to share the gospel that time and it might have been too much too soon.  They seemed surprised that we felt that way and invited us in to play games. We stayed for three rounds of things in a box and then re invited them to church. THEY CAME!!!!! It was just one of the highlights of my week- seeing them there was a huge act of faith on their part. The sacrament meeting was perfect - the talks that were given were exactly what was needed. I couldn't have picked better topics if I tried!! They seemed to really enjoy it.

3- Angel is a lady we have been trying to contact since day one on the mission. We have called and stopped by her house countless times. This week we decided that this might be it. One last attempt. We knocked on the door and she was home! We went in and talked with her a bit. She has lots of questions but the most pressing to her were what I like to call the questions of the soul. - Where was I before I came to earth? - Why am I here? and Where am I going after? I think at one point on another we all ask these questions. We had the chance to share a bit with her about the plan of salvation. This helps us understand that Heavenly Father does have a plan for us and that we have so much to look forward to! She was so involved and receptive to the message. She had a huge smile on her face and said this is exactly what she has been looking for. She wants to be baptized! I am on cloud nine and I'm sure she was too after our visit!

There is so much more I want to include but time is super limited. I just want you to know that the message that we share as missionaries is true and it brings joy- not just happiness but JOY. I have grown to love these people so much more than I would have ever imagined possible.
There are a unique set of challenges each person will face in life but each burden can be reduced when we have faith and rely on Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and his atonement. This week we taught a lady and I asked her if she would be willing to read the first chapter of the Book Of Mormon. She said no and after talking more with her to find out why she said " I can't read" - she then told me about how she knows small words and has been able to get by but it is a real struggle for her.
We downloaded the Book Of Mormon onto her phone and she was so happy and willing to listen to it. This is something I would have never considered before. I took reading for granted and also assumed that everyone could do it. As missionaries we work to overcome the challenges or maybe more so to help the people learn how to trust in God to overcome those difficulties through His mercy and power. I know that reading from the Book Of Mormon will bless your life in so many ways. I had a goal to read it again before the year is done and to pray about it to know if the message in it is true. I'll be finished this week so I'll keep you posted :)

I love you all - I am so thankful for your support and all the emails I have gotten- Please know I do try and read them all but the time is so limited for this each week.    

Sister Taylor

Sunday, November 8, 2015

One Month A Sister

Hey There!
So this week (Friday) marked my one month as Sister Taylor - it has gone by far too fast! 

I wanted to do a quick shout out for my brother Brock who will be 19 on Saturday! I am so proud of him! He has a heart of gold and I wish I could be in Edmonton to just give him a huge hug. Happy birthday Brocky!! 

This week has been busy to say the least. I'm not sure even where to start...

Well I did find a pair of boots for the winter so I won't freeze in Winnipeg! I even found them at Winners- if you know me you know this is my favourite store!! They will work well for California winters too . No word yet on the visa but I hoping it will come for the next transfer. 

Voting was last week and I had all the intention to go and exercise my democratic right but it was such a busy day and I was feeling horribly dizzy so I never got around to it. I know dad would be unhappy at that - I have never missed a vote since I have been 18! It was a sad day!

We have not had snow yet but it has rained everyday this week. I hope I can make it a few more weeks without the white stuff. 

On Wednesday I got a call from the physio office I was scheduled to see for the vertigo. After talking to me the lady told me that she would have to cancel my appointment because she could not help me due to the severity of my symptoms. She said she specializes in post concussion injury and on the side does a bit of vestibular but by no means is a specialist. I was so agitated because that is not the impression her website gave. 
She did pass along a contact who might be able to help me but when I called they said the first opening was November 17th. I just broke down in tears. I'm sure my companions think I'm crazy but that was seriously the last straw. Back home when this happens I would seek treatment right away and it would help but all the attempts to fix the issue while I have been on my mission seemed to be in vain. I booked the appointment but it was then that I started to consider coming home. I have never prayed more than I have prayed over the last month for relief. The feeling of vertigo has been so distracting and I feel that I have been a horrible missionary and companion because of it. I get irritated and upset so much easier. I asked Heavenly Father for a miracle because I have felt so defeated by this- almost a month and no relief. 
I called sister Craig (my mission presidents wife) to tell her the update and she said she would look into finding someone else. I really didn't have much hope because I know how bookings go for these things- its at least a week and a half before you can get in. On Friday she called me and told me she found an office and they could see me that day!!!! MIRACLE MIRACLE!!! 
After the first treatment I felt a billion times better! The physiotherapist gave me some different exercises to do at home and it has helped faster than anything I did back home to cure the vertigo. It was the miracle I needed. I still don't feel 100% better but it is a massive improvement. Heavenly Father hears your prayers and will help you. I really have gained an understanding of patience in the past few weeks.  

We got to teach some really wonderful people this week. Whitney and her cousin Shoshawna are amazing! Whitney has a strong faith in Christ and a desire to live her life right. Her desire comes mostly out of fear of the second coming and judgment day. We are trying to calm her fears and help her grow in understanding. They came to the Halloween party last week and had such a good time- this was our first lesson this week with them. Shoshawna said she would have more support from people in her life if she were drinking and partying vs. going to church. 
It's interesting - visiting with so many different people you get to look into their life a bit. I am so thankful for the childhood I had and the opportunities I've been given because I can see how different things could be.  

We were able to visit with Karen this week. She is a less active older woman in the Waverley ward. Her energy and spirit make me so happy. This week she told us why she never comes to church. She has a hard time getting up the courage because her anxiety is so bad. We talked with her a lot about how attending church can help her overcome the problems she faces and will strengthen the people around her. She came to church this Sunday - the first time pretty much since she was baptized a year ago!! 

One of my favourite experiences this week was with Stephen and Vicky. We knocked on Stephen's door last week and he said he and his fiancĂ© would be interested in hearing our message. We went back on Thursday this week. They are both so wonderful and asked some really insightful questions. They even ordered pizza for us so that we could all have dinner together. Vicky's mom Opal listened too while we shared a bit about how the gospel blesses families. As a missionary sometimes you think you go out to minister to people but often they are the ones that minister to you. It was such a wonderful blessing! 

We met with Katie ( the car detailer) again this week and she was able to focus more for this lesson. Vanessa one of the members came along for this appointment which was very helpful!  

We are teaching this one family in a complex not too far from where we live. Wednesday we decided to go and knock on one of the doors - we met a lady named Liz. She is a mom to 5 little kids- all under the age of 6. She feels frazzled by the demands of caring for so many children. We were able to help her clean her kitchen and living room as we shared a simple message about the gospel. Her desire to know about God is very strong and her heart is in the right place.  I'm excited to keep teaching her! we also met another woman from the same complex last night - she let us teach her right then and there.

We taught Elizabeth and her two kids Arik (Erica) and Akol the plan of salvation. This lesson covers all the questions of the heart- where did we come from? Why are we here? and where do we go? In the middle of the puzzle we brought Akol goes to the couch and starts doing head stands and then to the complete surprise of everyone - including his mom - he pulls down his pants moons us!! HAHAH! He is only 4 years old so it was pretty funny, so random... but so funny.

Gah I have so many more stories I want to share but no time... 

I have been overwhelmed buy the generosity and love the people we meet have shown us. I am learning and growing each day and finally I feel Good! The gospel is Great!!!

I hope your week is wonderful

Take Luck!

Sister Taylor

Monday, October 26, 2015

Highest of Highs and Lowest of Lows

Well Hello Family and Friends!!!

This week has been busy! I want to tell you a little about the area I'm living in now. We live off of a highway- except it kind of feels like a main road in the city. It stretches a long way through Winnipeg- I wouldn't be surprised if it ran through the whole thing to be honest. Behind our apartment there is a train track and every morning and night the train goes though. I LOVE the noise it makes. I will miss this when it comes time for me to leave. There are also a billion Canadian Geese here!!! You think they would realize it is time to leave but yet they stick around. I also adore the noises they make. Those two things make me oddly happy. The squirrels here are also ginormous! They could pass for a small dog. I have seen a few normal sized ones running around but mostly the huge ones run around.   

It has been chilly and we have had to scrape the windshield once but no snow yet. I was able to borrow a winter coat from the mission office so I won't freeze while I'm in Winnipeg! So thankful for that! I hope to find boots today!

Sister Alder (my trainer) was able to learn sign language from her trainer when she came out. Both of her parents are deaf and therefore she is fluent in ASL. It has been fun learning it from Sister Alder- I have always wanted to learn! Our stake (multiple wards/ congregations) met together this weekends for a conference. In one of the wards there are two men that are deaf so we made sure to sit up by the front so that we could pay attention to the translator. It was a wonderful experience because I was able to learn so many new words. I can sign the missionary purpose and am leaning how to pray in ASL. This proves to me that the Heavenly Father knows his children because I have always had the desire to learn ASL but for some reason I felt it would be too hard to pick up/ I wasn't sure how to start. I am so thankful for the tender mercies he gifts us with so that we can grow.

It was during stake conference that I had a paradigm shift of sorts. My thought and feelings about Winnipeg are changing as I'm here longer. I am so thankful for my mission so far. WOW what an experience it has been so far! It was a struggle the first week because we basically re opened an area that was a combined two areas in the past. Also the stress to Sister Alder of training two new missionaries along with not even being sure of the area herself added to the frustration we all faced.

The area used to take on two wards (Dalhousie and Waverley) but the one set of sisters couldn't work fully in one or the other so it seemed that for a long while both got about half of the efforts. Now there is a set of missionaries for each of the wards and the work is moving along well. I love the people in the Waverley ward and their desire to do missionary work. We are meeting new people ach day and our teaching pool is getting bigger too. 

My challenges with my health or my companions have not fully gone away but through prayer and faith they have been relieved to a certain extent. Mosiah 24:15 from the Book Of Mormon says it well " And now it came to pass that the burdens that were laid upon Alma and his brethren were made light; yea, the Lord did strengthen them that they could bear up their burdens with ease, and they did submit cheerfully and with patience to all the will of the Lord."
 I really have had to rely on God through this week and even though things are not easy and I feel beat down , worn out and sad at times I know all will be okay. I just have to be patient. I have been seeing a nucca (sp?) chiropractor to see if that helps the dizziness but it hasn't been as effective as I hoped. I think it helps a bit but things still feel off. I have another appointment with a different specialist (who works with vestibular issues) for the vertigo on Friday this week so I'm feeling hopeful this issue can be resolved. I can feel that my burdens are being lifted so that I can still continue. 

Last week I realized I shared the wrong scripture references- I was rushed and trying to go from memory. It was in 1 Nephi that Nephi was commanded to build a ship and then in 2 Nephi 4:20 it says "My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep." I love how we can apply the scriptures to our life! 

We have been able to meet with some wonderful people this week. Karen is a sweet less active lady we saw on Wednesday. She has troubles getting out to church because of her heart problems. We love her kindness and her happy energy. She really reminds me of a patient from the smilezone I used to work with. It's neat the connections you make between people out here and back home.
As a missionary you end up going to lots of meetings and appointments but my favourites this week were the chance encounters. We went to go visit a lady who was investigating the church a while ago. She was so welcoming and excited to hear more about the message we share. We were about 15 minutes into the visit when a man came in. He said he had just gotten off of work before he joined us. As we continues on I could see his heart soften and he became engaged and excited as we discussed the Book of Mormon. We gave him a copy and he handled it with such care. The questions Abuel asked were well thought out and from his heart. When we paused I could tell his wheels were turning and by the end of the lesson he told us that this makes sense. He said we were able to answer questions he didn't even ask but had always wondered. A huge smile crossed his face and he accepted the invitation to follow Jesus Christ and prepare for baptism. Before leaving for my mission I thought it would be crazy to invite someone to be baptized before more material was covered but in the MTC I learned that  content covered has never been a qualification for baptism. His desires are pure and he wants to know God. It was the boost we all needed this week to keep going! I am so very excited to see Abuel and Elizabeth progress.

Not everyone wants to or is ready to hear the message of the gospel because it involves change. At times people are unwilling to make the changes that will benefit their life. We had one appointment this week that was an example of this. Each time we tried to share a thought she would change the topic - so in fitting with what she wanted to discuss (auto detailing) I told her that Jesus is like a car detailer- he works to clean our interiors and though it takes a lot of time and effort we can be made as new..... haha!!! Long shot I know! But it caught her interest for about 5 seconds.

Lots of people are ready to come closer to Christ and I have seen how God prepares his children long before we as missionaries show up.

We also hosted our ward Halloween party this Friday - the turnout was great and we had about 8 investigators show up for it. The kids all had fun and the costumes were creative and original. It was a wonderful event.

The mission is really the highest highs and the lowest lows! I love it!

Have a great Week!!!

Sister Taylor